Tropic Beauty
Tropic Beauty Model Search is known around the World for showcasing stunning beauty. Each model is hand selected from thousands of contestants that apply from all over the globe. Each pageant is custom-crafted to meet your specific event needs. Every classy and professionally produced contest brings men and women in crowds to attend.
Entertainment, fun, music, talent, and the prettiest bikini models and faces make each event shine. The models can also be hired as a team to actually host any other event or party you have planned. Hosting Packages are modestly priced, include as few as four lovely ladies, and always add a beautiful, fun, and classy element to any special event.
Tropic Beauty produces the most select model search available! They feature the very best of swimwear models from around the World and strategic partners that host each Model Search event help find the most beautiful faces to join this elite team. The Tropic Beauty Model Search draws a crowd and can be held at venues such as Casinos, Nightclubs, Festivals, Trade Shows, Auto Shows, and high-end events.
Currently held frequently as a large event in Las Vegas’ MGM Grand, Tropic Beauty Model Search has been a lucrative replacement to the previous Miss America Pageants presented there.